First choose the date of the seminar you wish to attend:

continue to eventbrite.

Then click the orange Register button:

Then select the number of employees from the drop down next to the price point that indicated your number of employees, for example 5 employees, next to the Compliance 2-5 option (see below), Press checkout:

Then fill out the contact information then all the information for each of your attendees like I did here, scrolling down to enter each attendee's information:

make sure all of the fields with the red * are filled out, then the PLACE ORDER button will be available.

Press Place Order, it will take you to PAYPAL, choose “PAY with Credit or Debit Card” option below the log in button:

After you complete the credit card form and pay, you will have completed the registration and your employees will be registered. We then send you training materials and more information about the day of the seminar.